Belfast Metropolitan College
Belfast Met is the largest further and Higher Education College in Northern Ireland and one of the largest in the UK.


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Social WorkHigher Education (degree)

In deze les zitten 80 slides, met interactieve quizzen, tekstslides en 5 videos.

time-iconLesduur is: 120 min

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Assignment Guidance

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SWK 112 Guidance for Sociology & Social Policy Presentations
Assignment brief
The small group presentation will encourage students to identify a theme (for example poverty, racism, health and well-being, mental health). In small groups you will be required to identify and apply relevant sociological and social policy concepts and consider the implications for Anti Oppressive Practice.

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  • Groups of 5 students will work together to develop their presentations
  •  The narrated PowerPoints/Video must be submitted via Canvas before midnight on Friday 27th October 2023
  • Presentations are 15 minutes long
  • Each student is expected to contribute equally to the presentation

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The presentation will enable
students to start the development of ideas for the 2,000-word assignment

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Suggested layout:
One cover/title slide, and reference slide at the end

a. Introduction to theme, rationale for choosing the topic

b. Key research and statistics relating to the theme, relevant to NI

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Layout (cont)
c. 2 sociological Concepts and implications for anti-oppressive practice relating to your theme.
d. 2 social policy Concepts and implications for anti-oppressive practice relating to your theme.

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Layout (cont)
e. Conclusion-
Overview of how your group worked as a team and the key learning for the group.
 (Highlight One take home message for social work practice).
Ensure if you are providing a summary NEW information is not introduced at that stage!

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  • Include name of the student who is delivering on each slide –
  • Use the notes section for detailed explanation of the slide content.
  • Referencing – you are expected to Include references on each slide and within the notes section, with a slide at the end detailing a full reference list for the presentation. Referencing should conform to UU Harvard Guidance.
  •  Required to submit a video of your presentation along with the PowerPoint &  UU cover sheet (one for the whole group).

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Tips for an effective presentation
  • Divide work up fairly and work jointly on the different sections, make this clear in your presentation.
  • This helps to ensure that sections connect with each other and improves the flow of the presentation.

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Tips for an effective presentation (cont)
  • Consider group contract/ plan to decide roles, schedules, and sharing of resources/ workload. Use this as a test of your ability to work as a team and the challenges this brings.
  • Be wary of duplication – time is limited so although presentations should flow from one person to the next, make sure you do not repeat what another team member has said.

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Tips for an effective presentation (cont)
  • Seek assistance from Digital Support if there are any parts of the technology you are struggling with.

Due before midnight on Friday 27th October 2023

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Who watched it?

Slide 14 - Poll

Who watched it?

Slide 15 - Poll

In your small group presentations you need to identify a theme (for example poverty, racism, inequalities in health and well-being, mental health). 
Then to identify and apply relevant sociological and social policy concepts & consider the implications for Anti Oppressive Practice. 

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I Daniel Blake
Who watched it?

Slide 18 - Poll


Slide 19 - Video

I, Daniel Blake
In pairs consider your personal thoughts and feelings about poverty. 

Lets create a class mind map to summarise your feelings from watching the film.

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I Daniel Blake-
one word feeling

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Slide 22 - Video

Who watched it?

Slide 23 - Poll

Who watched it?

Slide 24 - Poll

Who watched it?

Slide 25 - Poll

Slide 26 - Video

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So what do you know?

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Article within The Belfast Telegraph dated 2019- link:


Child poverty was a factor.

"However, more needs to be done in relation to reducing child poverty - a factor which underpins many of these issues - and investing in health visitors and reversing cuts to public health budgets is an important place to start,"

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Work in your small groups and then present your drawing to the class.

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Defining poverty
The Poverty and Social Exclusion UK research project defines poverty as ‘those whose lack of resources forces them to live below a publicly agreed minimum standard’ (see
Definition is important because it determines actions to address poverty.

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 Current statistics
TASK: Please move to sit in your groups for the small group presentation.
Research current statistics related to poverty in NI. Sources could be: Trussell Trust, Barnardo's, Joseph Rowntree Foundation, NISRA, NI GOV.

Create a fact sheet and present to the class

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Slide 69 - Video

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Takeaway from today...
On your Post-it write down one "takeaway" from today.

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What does the P in Thompson's PCS model stand for?
Personal/ Psychological

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In Maslow's Hierarchy of needs what is an example of a physiological need?
Creative activities
Food/ warmth

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What is Meritocracy
Ideals of Social mobility, efficiency and justice, which don't always lead to equality of opportunity as people's abilities/ achievements are meant to keep them in their place
Fairness of opportunity for all

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Who enjoyed today?

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